Transport of polymer colloids in porous media
Published in Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019
Recommended citation: Bizmark, N., Schneider, J., de Jong, E. K., & Datta, S. S. (2020). Transport of polymer colloids in porous media. In R. D. Priestley, & R. K. Prud`homme (Eds.), Polymer Colloids: Formation, Characterization and Applications (9 ed., pp. 289-321). (RSC Soft Matter; Vol. 2020-January, No. 9). Royal Society of Chemistry.
This textbook chapter covers the governing equations and physics of small particles traveling through porous media, including computational techniques.
Recommended citation: Bizmark, N., Schneider, J., de Jong, E. K., & Datta, S. S. (2020). Transport of polymer colloids in porous media. In R. D. Priestley, & R. K. Prud’homme (Eds.), Polymer Colloids: Formation, Characterization and Applications (9 ed., pp. 289-321). (RSC Soft Matter; Vol. 2020-January, No. 9). Royal Society of Chemistry.